Saturday, May 5, 2012

My dearest, why do you constantly merely do 2D painting? You have restricted yourself it eh unstructured fortress of the 4 sides or a cloths and wood chunks! Have you ever, considered perhaps exploring another medium for a change, perhaps using your bolidy fluids or perhaps acquiring certain exotic species of frogs from the magnique amazon jungle? 
think about it.

here to spur your imagination-MQ
In response to marc, painting is what i am most comfortable with and i am not obliged to change my style. I don't think i am being restricted in anyway. i am able to create sceneries that are impossible for photography to emulate. i am able to play with people's imagination of unreal-realities and engineer a visual reality. i am able to fuse different elements and subject matters together to create a scenario. i am able to fabricate a reality, a possibility. i am able to make use of different elements of art such as lines, colors, space to immediately create certain mood which is rather tough should it be conveyed in other mediums such as sculpture. Since my recurring themes are more on globalization, i would want to refrain from using items related to technology or relying on technology such as media (visualiser, video camera, sound systems) to create my works as they are mainly brought about by globalization. hence by using traditional mediums and methods, such as painting, i am able to create more impactful and meaningful works of art.

Also, i am able to control almost everything by painting. i cannot control the facial expression of someone and he or she may not be exactly portraying what i him or her to portray but i can control the facial expressions of the subject matter through painting. i am to able to place a sculpture/my subject matter in a particular environment just because such an environment doesn't exist, however i am able to do so through painting. i feel that i am able to convey my messages through painting. i am also able to immediately give the viewers a full picture of what is happening as there is only one way to view the work. perhaps it is also due to the different themes we are working with but i feel that it would be tough to use 3-dimentional works to convey my messages. personally, i feel that if i am able to produce my work myself, without the help of anyone, the works would have a stronger meaning and there will be a sense of accomplishment, I would say. 

After all, we have different styles and different themes but i guess i may try considering other mediums as time passes. However, painting will always be my focus and my main medium.


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